Deputy Principal’s Message
Dr. Stephen Hawking a renowned cosmologist and modern-era physicist once said that when one’s expectations are reduced to zero, every moment in life becomes a bonus. We as a school exist to offer quality education that ensures a holistic transformation based on Christian values. It is worth noting that where there is human existence, resides hope that has to be watered for growth to be realized.
More often, this growth requires several approaches for it to be optimized. The spiritual dimensions of our students become a great task in living up to the mission of promoting the gospel of our Lord Jesus. The approaches employed include catechism classes, spiritual retreats, class masses, and school mass for both students and staff.
To achieve all these, we have to practice integrity at all levels of our lives. To change even a fraction of our society accountability, transparency, and honesty are key virtues that have to be ingrained in our students and that’s why we are St. Aloysius Gonzaga community. Proverbs 1:5 correlates infinite human understanding with wise counsel based on self-discipline.
Our students best understand this aspect of life through vying for leadership positions in the Students Leadership Council. This important event is done annually towards the end of the second term of every academic year. Besides, the student leadership does hold School barazas once a term and any pertinent issues discussed are forwarded to the school administration to offer solutions where possible. This has enhanced cooperation between the students and their leaders; students and staff and students and the school administration.
Our holistic education appreciates Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. We encourage our students and staff to treat each other respectfully irrespective of their cultural and religious background. They are constantly impressed to make use of diversity and unique differences to promote peaceful coexistence in a dynamic society. Our key catchment area is Kibera and its environs where needy and bright students are encouraged to apply for scholarships in form one. This year we had over 500 applicants and after thorough assessment by the recruitment committee, 35 girls and 35 boys secured a place in St. Aloysius Gonzaga secondary school under the school’s Scholarship Program.
It is our joy as a school when all humans get a chance to understand life at the basic level. In doing so, we intend to rejuvenate the fundamental principle of Divine creation.
We believe as a school that embracing innovative education for a changing world brings to life our true identity. We, humans, are mere collections of fundamental particles of nature that every day love learning of what we see and wonder how the universe originated from singularity to the vast space bound beyond human understanding.
Where there is life, there is hope. In all things to Learn Love and Serve.